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Why did you change the look of your covers?  --


One of the dumbest things a writer can do is have an arty cover for their first novels. There's a true story that goes along with that and explains why, but I'll save it for a nugget in a newsletter or something. In any case, I apparently broke that important rule. And while I love the original covers, they were too "Arty" (one of my reflex problems, I guess) and didn't properly portray what is to be found within the novels -- the mood, the atmosphere, etc. They just looked neat. And so I put Dominic Wilde back to the task to whip up some genre-looking covers. And they look spiffy, and genre-y, that's for sure. Hard for me to pick which I like better. But if you prefer the Original Covers, hit me up, and I might still have an old paperback or hardback lying around I can trade you (I'll even sign it!).


These are the original covers up to Episode 4:

About the Author:

A peek at my background info, then: I've always been writing and telling stories, starting from when I was little and making wee-sized stabs at comic books, to middle school where I was perpetually the Dungeon Master, or DM for whatever role-playing game we were playing in our group (I designing the campaigns, of course), to college-age short stories and novels and scripts in almost every possible genre.


Notice I said scripts there? I also wanted to make movies. I went to film school. I went to Hollywood and worked in industry production houses for a time. I also wrote/directed two horror films. But that's another story.


I soon returned to writing after I returned, for various reasons, to my home town. While having lived and worked on the west and east coasts of the United States, in New York and Los Angeles, I was assembled and raised on America's third coast, Chicago. And so here I am now, writing away -- with a cat on my lap most days.


Many thanks to Rob Errera at Bad Hound Press (who is a fantastic writer in his own right), who encouraged me to write for BHP and helped edit these novels. If you like horror, go check out what's on offer there. 


If you have any questions about my series, books, work,

or other things you are confident I have the answer to,

feel free to write me below. I'm a helpful critter and I don't bite:

Name *
E-mail *
What is your favorite dessert?
Message *

Here I am.

Portrait by Rosalie Gamache